Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Every Room Needs

Right now, I'm sitting by myself in a quiet house.  I'm at the desk in my kitchen, typing away on my laptop.  I could just as easily move this computer to the living room or my bedroom and feel just as comfortable.  I recently noticed that every room in my house has two things in common.  I think I did this unconsciously, but now that my mind's eye has turned its attention to it, I can't help but dwell on this common theme.  Not surprisingly, it has become a common theme in these blog posts, as well.

The two things?  A clock and a mirror.  Every single room has them.  Why?  I don't know.  I like to look at myself, and I don't want to be late?  Maybe.  When I placed them there, it was simply because I like the extra light a mirror brings to a room and the tick-tock of a well-placed clock just says "Welcome Home" to me.  But maybe it's more than that.

Maybe God wants me to think of him when I saunter through the rooms in my house.  After all, Genesis 1:27 says, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."  I love that.  I was made in the image of God, so every time I look at myself, what I see needs to represent the one who made me.  I know several people, who, when I look at them, I honestly feel like I am gazing upon the very face of Jesus.  The Bible is clear that even "as water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man".  (Proverbs 27:19)  These people possess a countenance that is so peaceful and their words are so full of joy, that without them ever even saying it, I know that they are Christians.  This is how I know it:  "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit".  (2 Corinthians 3:18)  I may not be able to see my heart in my mirror, but it daily reminds me of the importance of what my life reflects.

The clock, too, is a reminder of what my life reflects.  How am I using these precious days I've been given to bring glory to God? I actually took a week-long break from writing this post, and in that time, our family switched from cable to satellite TV.  This new electronic equipment has no clock attached to its face, so alas the first paragraph I wrote is a complete lie.  You wouldn't believe how this lack of a prominent timepiece has unnerved our family.  The kids claim they don't know what time they're supposed to go to bed, and I am suddenly aware of how many times a day I absent-mindedly glance at one of the many clocks in our home.  I need to know how much time I have left.  And not knowing how much time I have left has caused more than a little bit of anxiousness.  If only I could be like Hosea, "Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers righteousness on you. "--Hosea 10:12 (emphasis mine).  

Time to seek the Lord--that's a sobering thought.  So often I set aside time to seek the Lord...when I have time.  How backwards is that?  I sit here in my comfortable house and wonder to myself, "how much time before the kids get home from school?" Then, it's "How much time before I have to start dinner"?  And finally, "How much time before the kids go to bed and I can steal a few minutes for myself"?  Becoming more intentional about writing this blog has actually helped me to become more intentional about life in general.  The fact that I have free time at all is a gift I should not take for granted.  Today, I pray that I will use this gift to seek the Lord, not only because of what I think I will find, but also because of what I know I will begin to see in the mirror.

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