For the SPIRIT God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.
--2 Timothy 1:7 (emphasis added)
Spirit. The word evokes delight, fear, misunderstanding, and awe. For Christians, the Spirit is one part of the Holy Trinity. It's the part that gives us the wisdom and direction we need for daily living. Jesus gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit when he rose from the dead and ascended Heaven.
During my daughter's hour long dance class on Wednesdays, I normally bring something to read, and I'm in the middle of this amazing book that's helping me understand how the Spirit moves in the world. I have a different book with me every week, so it's not unusual for one of the other moms to ask me about what I'm reading. But when this particular mom asked me about the book of the week, I felt my stomach do a little flip.
"It's Spirit Rising by Jim Cymbala. I tried to act casual, but I knew she wasn't a Christian, so I wasn't sure what to say next.
"Oh", she said, "My dad believes in that stuff".
I hesitated. I didn't feel very bold, and yet the words "Do you?" came out of my mouth.
She paused for a moment before answering, then shook her head. "I don't know what I believe. I don't believe in anything. Or I guess I kind of believe in everything".
"Yes, but I think he has a lot of different names".
I probed further. "Jesus?"
"No. I used to be Jewish. I like what Buddha teaches. I like it that there's no Hell."
"Yes", I agreed. "Who wouldn't like that? I wish it were true."
She looked amused.
We ended up talking for an entire hour. I mainly just listened. Here was a woman--broken, hurt, and seeking. She's probably a lot like me, but I have one thing she doesn't--the Spirit. And that has made all the difference.
As she told me her sad story, my heart began to beat faster, and I felt it breaking for her. I prayed, "Oh, God. Don't let me screw this up. Spirit, tell me what to do. Tell me what to say." I felt like I was holding onto this woman with my pinkie finger as she dangled from a cliff over the great abyss. I knew there was nothing I could say that could convince her that Jesus is real.
"I'm open to anything, though", she blurted.
"Would you ever go to a church?," I asked.
"Oh, I've been to church. Many times. I would go again, but not yet. I'm too messed up. I've got too much anger. I'm not ready".
I wanted to make her understand that only God could bind up those wounds and heal them forever, but I confessed that the only way for me to do that was to tell her about what God has done in my own life and what I've seen him do in the lives of the people I know.
"Don't worry. I'm working on me. Lots of people are working on me. Counselors, psychologists...." Her voice trailed off, but I was still thinking.
Tears were beginning to well up in my eyes, and I didn't want her to see me cry. But oh, how I wanted her to understand how much God loves her!
She interrupted my thoughts again. "I promise you this, though. When I am ready, I'll definitely come to you."
Did she really say she was going to come to me when she is ready? Not if, but when she's ready?
"Ok", I said. "As long as you promise, I'll wait for you."
We shook on it.
How wonderful it would have been if she had given her life over to Christ right there on the spot! We could have prayed together like two happy souls boldly slamming shut the gates of Hell! Yet, that is not what I heard the Spirit telling me to do. The Bible says the fruit of the Spirit is love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control, so I'm confident that I experienced the Spirit at work today. I'm pretty sure the Spirit can't be rushed.
"I pinkie promise." She intertwined her pinkie with mine, and I held it there in the grips of another prayer. "Oh, Lord. Spare her. Give her time. Show her that you're real before it's too late. Don't let her fall off of this cliff."